This page provides download links for each of the documents comprising the pack.
NOTE that the links to each file open the file in your current browser window.
The overview describes the background and purpose of the pack, ACT’s role and support available, guidelines on declaring an emergency and developing an action plan.
Why is it a Climate Emergency
Describes how and why the climate is changing, the consequences of changing climate, what we can do and how quickly we need to act, and carbon emission targets.
ACT TP Pack- Emergency
What can Councils do
Describes how councils are ideally placed to engage with the wider community and Parish Council’s statutory responsibilities.
ACT TP Pack- What councils can do
Built Environment and Energy
Covers emissions from existing buildings, primary energy generation and emissions from new buildings.
ACT TP Pack- Energy and Built Environment
Summarises emissions from transport and what you can do about them.
ACT TP Pack- Transport
Food, Farming, Forestry and Ecology
Gives practical actions under each of the headings food, farming, forestry and ecology.
ACT TP Pack- Ecology, food, farming, forestry and fishing