Vision, Mission and Practice


Teignbridge is carbon neutral, with communities, economies and a natural environment that are sustainable, resilient and healthy.


To provide independent encouragement and support for Teignbridge District Council, town and parish councils, community groups, businesses, organisations and residents in the district to act together to:

1. Ensure Teignbridge is on a path to no more than 1.5C of warming.

2. Ensure Climate and Ecological Emergency declarations are reflected in all national and local government policies, decisions and activities.

3. Reduce and reverse the speed and effects of climate change and pollution.

4. Develop more sustainable lifestyles to regenerate and maintain biodiversity and ecosystems.

Practice – how we work

To realise our mission, we will work in the following ways:

1. Through a structure consisting of a coordinating group and action groups focusing on different action areas.

2. By establishing a carbon emissions baseline against which change can be measured.

3. By inviting, collating and assessing suggestions for actions from all organisations and individuals in Teignbridge, and forming a plan which will achieve our mission.

4. By working closely with Teignbridge District Council members and officers.

5. In partnership with town and parish councils, communities and other organisations.

6. By inviting participation from individuals across Teignbridge who share our aim of achieving carbon neutrality and a healthy natural environment.

7. By actively pursuing ways of helping individual Teignbridge residents to understand and feel committed to the need for further action and ways in which we can all reduce our carbon and ecological footprints.

8. Only pursuing initiatives for local benefit that do not put the wellbeing of other communities at risk.

9. With openness, inclusivity, respect for one another and democracy.

10. Promoting evidence-based initiatives and information that are also socially and financially sustainable.

11. With awareness of people’s emotions regarding the climate crisis.

Dec 2021

What's Happening