Where am I with climate change?

Fuad Al-Tawil 29/03/2024

Let’s get personal, will I read on or not?

You reading this because you are at the very least concerned about our natural environment.  You probably are already doing something about it, either by yourself or with others. You may even be looking to do more or are putting in a lot of time and effort into something.

The question we don’t ask ourselves very often is how effective is my effort? Do I have a goal to measure effectiveness against? It turns out businesses don’t do this too often, so it’s not surprising we don’t as individuals.  I’m sure, like businesses, we can all come up with good reasons why we don’t.

On the flip side, when we purchase goods/services or give an opinion about how others make or deliver these, we often ask. How efficient is that boiler, PV or car? Am I getting value for money? Is the NHS run efficiently?

Our cognitive dissonance on climate change has been widely studied.  It can be quite stressful and damaging to our mental health if not resolved, or ignored. I think herein lies the question and answer; am I prepared to take steps to resolve my cognitive dissonance on climate change? Am I ready to find out how effective I am?

It’ll be a daunting step for many, there is always a good reason why not. Do I even have the desire or energy to get started, never mind do something about it.  I’m already doing my bit, that should be enough since every little matters! This is exactly why ACT has put a lot of effort into helping you make that first step and support you wherever you are on your journey. If you are interested, please contact me.