ACT aims to help people and organisations across Teignbridge cut their carbon emissions and improve or restore ecosystems.
We provide support and information to councils, individuals, community groups and other organisations working to become carbon neutral and help wildlife flourish.
We have volunteer Wildlife Wardens operating in many parishes and our Carbon Cutters engage with community groups across the district.
We also support Teignbridge District Council to ensure its climate and ecological emergency declarations are reflected in all its policies, decisions and activities.
How we do it
ACT is structured as a community interest company, reflecting its social purpose. It comprises a steering group and a number of working groups as follows:
- Energy and Built Environment
- Ecology
- Economy
- Food, Farming, Fisheries and Forestry
- Public Engagement
- Transport
ACT works closely with Teignbridge District Council members and officers, and in partnership with town and parish councils, as well as community and other organisations.
We encourage participation by inviting, collating and assessing suggestions for action from all organisations and individuals in Teignbridge.
We actively pursue ways of helping residents understand and feel committed to the need for further action to reduce their carbon footprint.
Please visit our Vision, Mission and Practice page for more details.
ACT’s directors are appointed and removed in accordance with the company’s Articles of Association and, as defined in the Articles, all, and only, directors are registered as company members.
Directors are solely responsible for:
- The appointment and removal of directors and statutory members;
- Approving legal agreements and contracts;
- Approving annual accounts and other submissions to the authorities.
The directors delegate all other company administration and operational activities to the Steering Group.